Category: Threats

Dive into our detailed coverage of various Cyber Threats. Understand the nature of different cyberattacks and how to protect your organization from them.

April 17, 2021

How to Spot and Protect Against Phishing Email Attacks

George Rouse

Phishing is a form of social engineering that attempts to secure a user’s personal information such as bank account details or access to their personal information. Here’s how to avoid it.

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March 24, 2021

What is CryptoLocker Ransomware and How Does it Work?

Courtney Heinbach

MSPs report CryptoLocker is the #1 ransomware strain affecting their clients. Here’s what you need to know about it.

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March 16, 2021

What is CTB-Locker Ransomware and How Does it Work?

Courtney Heinbach

While there’s no foolproof way to protect against ransomware, there are steps MSPs can take to educate their staff and their clients about the various ransomware strains that could drastically impact business operations.

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February 23, 2021

Silver Sparrow Dropper Flies Through macOS Detection; Free Script Available for MSPs

Dan Garcia

As a threat emerged this week in the form of a new dropper called Silver Sparrow, the Datto RMM engineering team sprung into action and has developed a free script for MSPs that detects the presence of this dropper.

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February 17, 2021

How MSPs Can Detect Crypto-Ransomware with Datto RMM

Sara Zorica

Ransomware is a massive problem for businesses of all sizes. Learn how Datto RMM helps MSPs detect ransomware and respond accordingly to avoid client downtime.

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February 10, 2021

Improve Business Security with Ransomware Detection

David Weiss

Datto RMM now provides an extra layer of security with native ransomware detection. It detects ransomware on endpoints using behavioral analysis.

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December 17, 2020

FireEye Breach: Countermeasure Scanner Available for MSP RMM Tools

Ryan Weeks

Datto has created a FireEye Red Team Countermeasure Scanner that leverages the FireEye published detection methods. MSPs can use the scanner to detect indicators that the stolen tools are being, or have been, used on managed systems.

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November 25, 2020

Downtime: The True Cost of a Ransomware Attack

Courtney Heinbach

Downtime is a common, yet unanticipated side effect of a successful ransomware attack. Without the right solutions in place to get business operations back up and running, downtime is virtually inevitable.

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November 06, 2020

Common Types of Ransomware

Courtney Heinbach

Ransomware strains are always evolving. Here’s a list of the most common types business are currently facing.

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