Tag: Business Downtime

August 04, 2020

Consider Total Cost of Ownership When Selecting a BCDR Solution

Andrew Burton

There are many factors to consider when evaluating business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) products. For managed service providers (MSPs), total cost of ownership (TCO) should be high on that list.

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April 23, 2020

What Is the Best Method For taking a Windows 10 backup?

Chris Brunau

A complete PC backup is essential for anyone who wants to prevent loss of system data and files. Hard disks may crash, software can go haywire, malware and trojans can also corrupt essential files

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March 20, 2020

Data Backup and Recovery Methods

Andrew Burton

We’ve covered what you need to protect and why you need to protect it. The next step is to understand how to protect all business data no matter where it lives.

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March 17, 2020

What is Disaster Recovery Testing?

Chris Brunau

Disaster recovery testing has to be done in order to validate your business continuity plan. Depending on the solution, you should test that your backups are recoverable.

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March 16, 2020

3 Benefits of Moving Your Clients to Office 365

Chris Brunau

As an MSP, you understand the benefits of moving your clients to Office 365. Get users on board by reminding them that Microsoft’s Office 365 suite offers a great core selection of features with the convenience of SaaS applications.

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March 03, 2020

3 Common Ways Data is Lost in the Cloud

Chris Brunau

There’s a common misconception that user data in SaaS applications is fully backed up.

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February 28, 2020

Backing Up Virtual Machines

Chris Brunau

Virtualization software, known as a hypervisor, allows multiple “virtual” servers to run on a single physical server. It was designed to make better use of server hardware, by allowing multiple applications to be run on a single server.

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February 25, 2020

How to do a Backup Using Cloud Storage

Chris Brunau

A cloud backup – also known as an online backup – is a common component of a disaster recovery plan.

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February 11, 2020

Local Backup Vs. Offline Backup

Chris Brunau

Local backups and offline backups are two important components of a disaster recovery plan, learn the differences.

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