Datto Autotask PSA Improves with New 2022.2 Release
In 2017 Datto acquired Autotask to bring the best-in-class Professional Services Automation (PSA) platform to MSPs. The 2022 acquisition of Datto by Kaseya includes a renewed emphasis on the Autotask product. To start, we are bringing back the Autotask brand MSPs know and love. Over the coming months you will see the Autotask logo return across the ecosystem. We are investing heavily in Autotask and, as you heard at DattoCon, we are committed to ensuring Autotask is front and center for our MSP community.
Our new 2022.2 release is rolling out over the coming weeks. This release demonstrates Kaseya’s investment in Autotask to fit the unique needs of the MSP community, helping you scale and grow as your business continues to accelerate. Check out what’s new in Autotask 2022.2.
Visual ticket board view
Are you a sticky note or spreadsheet person? In addition to the spreadsheet-like ticket list views, Autotask 2022.2 brings a new board view for tickets. Autotask is the first channel-specific service desk system to offer this card-style visual ticket workflow. Board view is a dynamic way to manage service desk tickets with Kanban-like horizontal and vertical swim lanes. Each ticket is represented by a card that can easily be dragged-and-dropped across a grid to update attributes such as status, assignee and priority. Users can also use the “on deck” section to prioritize and dispatch incoming tickets with ease. Modifying multiple tickets would usually involve opening tickets one-by-one to modify fields, waiting for the changes to save and the list view to refresh. With Autotask visual ticket boards, you can simply drag and drop tickets to adjust their values, you don’t even have to wait for the changes to finish saving before moving additional tickets.

Co-managed users
Autotask now makes it easier to create, manage and collaborate with external resources. This is beneficial if you have a co-managed relationship with a client where the client’s staff require access to Autotask. Typically, this requires adding the co-managing user with an internal resource license, and manually removing permissions so they can only access their own tickets and information. A simple misconfiguration can provide the co-managing user with too much access. This risk is mitigated in Autotask 2022.2, as now company contact can be promoted to a co-managed user of Autotask. A simplified wizard will walk the Autotask user through configuring the co-managing user with the dedicated co-managed security level. This improves security by preventing users from accidentally configuring an internal resource license to a co-managing user.

Integration with Datto Commerce
The vision of IT Complete is clear, by connecting modules with deep, workflow integrations, MSPs save time completing their everyday tasks. Autotask users who also use Datto Commerce can now benefit from the powerful quoting functionality of Datto Commerce right from Autotask. Users can launch a new quote from either the Autotask opportunity or from within Datto Commerce.

Refreshed user interface
The Autotask UI has been refreshed to match the IT Complete design standards. This common look and feel of Datto and Kaseya products are critical for improving efficiency as users move between products. Watch for modernized icons, larger titles, and improved readability of buttons in Autotask 2022.2. Except for some minor rearrangement of the top navigation bar, menus, page features and click paths remain the same.

Autotask 2022.2 also brings over 50 usability improvements to the overall Autotask experience. Many of these improvements came directly from our partners through the Community, our Account Management or Support organization, or other means of feedback.
We continue to listen to your feedback and build technology that helps make everyday business tasks even easier. The Autotask 2022.2 release not only brings efficiency but also underscores Kaseya’s commitment to the Datto line of products.
If you’re an Autotask user, learn more in the release notes and watch for these updates in the coming weeks. Otherwise, see these new features and the full power of Autotask in a live demo.