April 26, 2019

Why Datto is for Small MSPs Too

By Nick Wolf
Backup & RecoveryVendor PartnershipsDatto SIRIS
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Are you thinking about partnering with a business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) vendor but think they are all too big for you? Well, think again. At Datto, we have the scalability to help large MSPs, all the way down to one person shops. In fact, the majority of new resellers that get onboarded by Datto fit into this category.

Sometimes a potential new reseller needs business guidance to change their business from break/fix to MSP. Other times they are researching things to avoid. At Datto, we go beyond the technology. We focus heavily on our Sales/Marketing/Lead Generation tools to help our resellers grow. As a channel-only company, we only make money if our resellers make money, and to us, that’s a win-win scenario. Which is why we have launched MarketNow to help our new resellers grow their business, attract clients and grow profit.

If you’re second guessing yourself as to whether or not you’re ready to partner with Datto and offer BCDR, don’t. At Datto, we’ve seen it all working with over 14,000 active resellers. So whether you are a tech leaving an existing MSP to start up your own business; or joining this industry for the first time, Datto is here to help you. For example, did you know that many newer MSPs that reach out to us do not even have a website, social media pages or an RMM/PSA Platform? Well, it’s true. Beyond BCDR, Datto has services included in our partnership that can help you decide which is best for your business.

One of the benefits to smaller MSPs that wish to partner with us is that Datto does not have any monthly minimums or sales quotas when it comes to selling our BCDR appliances. This low-pressure sales environment enables our resellers to be more comfortable when reaching out to us as their subject matter experts.

If you’d like to speak to someone to learn more about how you can partner with Datto, click here.

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