AccountingAutotask Professional Services Automation (PSA)
SouthWare by CFS
CFS has developed an API integration between Autotask and SouthWare. This integration includes Customer and Contract creation, Quote or Order imports, Stock Item Creation as well as Invoice transfers between the systems. We leverage Autotask’s standard invoice generation process and then obtain the key fields required to Add and Change data in the Customer, Contract, Quotes and Service Invoicing files.
Integration Features
- Autotask’s Invoice Export Wizard is used to extract data from the Autotask system.
- The SouthWare integration leverages Autotask’s Web Service API
- The API uses php executables to perform updates and processes to the extracted Autotask data files.
- SouthWare files are updated using a combination of SouthWare tools including ImportMate, WorkFlows and ReportMate Modules
- Once data is imported, processing with the SouthWare system continues as normal including invoicing, end of the day and deferred contract earnings.
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