September 27, 2018

What is Network Continuity?

By Chris Brunau
Network ManagementNetwork MonitoringDatto Edge Routers

Today’s businesses rely on technology more than ever before. Those that compete on a global scale need every advantage over their competition. Technologies like cloud-based applications, VoIP, and mobile give business leaders a leg up… provided those technologies work properly.

At the heart of all of this technology is the network, which enables internal and external communication. The network is the backbone of 21st-century business, and when it goes down, business stops, communication stops, transactions stop, and you lose money.

For most businesses, network downtime is a revenue nightmare. That’s where Datto Networking comes in. It was designed with always connected networking – or Network Continuity – in mind.

What is Network Continuity?

Imagine never having to worry about an interruption to your Internet service. That’s Network Continuity. Network Continuity from Datto Networking delivers seamless, uninterrupted, always connected network operation with fully integrated 4G LTE failover and failback, always available cloud management, seamless WiFi roaming, self-healing capabilities, hardened security and built-in safeguards designed to ensure maximum uptime.

Why Should SMBs Care about Network Continuity?

Because it can mean the difference between making customers happy or making them vow to never patronize your establishment again. Network Continuity gives SMBs a competitive advantage over the competition. 

The bottom line: in today’s competitive landscape, businesses, no matter their size, can’t afford to be offline.

Datto Networking’s always connected, high-performance product line provides businesses with peace of mind and the confidence that the network will be there when they need it. It’s that simple.

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