featuredAccountingAutotask Professional Services Automation (PSA)


The Autotask-QuickBooks integration was built for you by the Autotask team. QuickBooks helps you keep track of the money coming in and out of your business, all in one easy-to-use place.

Integration Features

Autotask integrates with QuickBooks to provide Autotask user’s who run their financial accounting in QuickBooks the following features.

  • Transfer and synchronize Purchase Orders and Inventory from Autotask to QuickBooks and pay your vendors from there.
  • Transfer invoices generated in Autotask, and manage your receivables in QuickBooks.
  • Transfer expense reports generated in Autotask, and reimburse resources for travel expenses from QuickBooks.
  • Track resource time in Autotask, generate a Payroll Summary report and transfer the hours into QuickBooks Timesheet to manage payroll.

Contact your Autotask sales rep for details.