MSP Education: Getting Started With Co-Managed IT
Managed service providers (MSPs) face a challenge in creating new channels for developing monthly recurring revenue while still focusing on their expertise: Managing IT environments and advising on IT strategy for their clients. Co-managed IT offers MSPs an exciting opportunity to add services to their repertoire. Join us for a webinar with Nadia Karatsoreos and Bob Coppedge, author of I Don’t Want Your Job: Is Co-Managed IT Services The Right Fit For You? to learn more about the co-managed IT market and how you can get started with a new revenue stream for your business. In this webinar, we will discuss:
- The foundations of co-managed IT and how to implement them
- How your MSP peers have capitalized on co-managed IT to grow their reach and revenue
- Building a partnership with your co-managed IT clients
- And more!